20.01.25 ​
Excited to kickoff the SafeHumans SafeBats initiative in Nigeria funded by @Uni_of_Essex
Huge thanks to @smaconbats, @UniAbuja, Uni of Makurdi, @infoabu2014, @_BCT_, and all our amazing partners for joining us on this mission to protect health and biodiversity #BenueTwitter
Great fun having our Christmas do with the lab team in Maldon, Essex! A perfect way to celebrate the season and an amazing year of hard work
Stathis Giotis received an Impact Accelerator Fund 2024-2025 from the University of Essex (£10,000; PI) “SaveBats Nigeria: Reducing bat hunting through community-based conservation and public health advocacy in Nigeria.
Stathis Giotis gave a talk to @UniOfSurrey Section of Virology
Tukur Abdullahi attended the African Virology Conference in Abuja from November 25-28, 2024, themed “Trends in emerging and re-emerging viruses.” He presented part of his PhD research, titled “Differential type I IFN response and the effect of temperature on OC43".
Stathis Giotis was a co-I in a successful bid to Sir Jules Thorn Charitable trust "A translational research radiation facility to tackle cancer and viral infections" https://julesthorntrust.org.uk/
Congratulations to Alfred Ho on completing his PhD through a collaboration between
@imperialcollege and the @HKUniversity Graduating in Hong Kong marks an incredible achievement. Well done, Alfred!
Stathis Giotis had a fantastic experience at the Single-Cell & Spatial RNA Sequencing workshop at the
@EarlhamInst! The hands-on sessions and cutting-edge insights were invaluable. Huge thanks to the team for making it such a rewarding event!
Had a fantastic time speaking at the #AvianImmunology Research Group Meeting in Vienna 2024! Great conference with insightful talks and engaging discussions. https://www.airg2024.at/
Excited to share that we've been awarded a Royal Society grant to develop a reverse genetics system for common cold coronaviruses. Looking forward to getting started on this project! Thank you Royal Society!
Excited to announce that we've been awarded an MRC NIRG to study single-cell RNA-sequencing and seasonal coronaviruses in collaboration with @uclh and @UKHSA. Stay tuned—there will be a postdoc position available soon for anyone interested in joining our team.
Stathis Giotis has talked to local Essex media (Basildon Echo, Colchester gazette) and radio stations (Heart FM and Greatest Hits radio) about the mPox outbreak https://hellorayo.co.uk/hits-radio/uk/news/disease-expert-from-university-of-essex-says-we-must-raise-public-awareness-to-mpox-formerly-monkey-pox-to-prevent-spread/
Just wrapped up the last lab meeting of the summer! Exciting updates, brilliant ideas, and a great way to close out the season. Enjoy the summer everybody!
Congratulations to Deimante Ramonaityte on successfully completing her BSc in Biomedical Sciences! Deimante will be joining us for an MRes in the next lab. Also, congratulations to Dami Ogunjinmi on successfully completing her MRes! Her hard work and dedication in our lab have been inspiring.Well done, Deimante and Dami!
Our lab's MSc students did amazingly at the MSc Conference 2024 at the University of Essex. Well done, Tharudini, Tobi, Khadijah, Freda, Ngoni, and Shankar!
Stathis Giotis presented an invited seminar at the Anglia-Ruskin seminar series on the coronaviruses, androgens and bats. https://www.aru.ac.uk/medical-technology-research-centre/events/decoding-viral-strategies-from-bat-influenza-receptors-to-host-innate-immunity
Stathis Giotis presented a talk on androgens and viruses at #PintOfScience at The 3 wise monkeys bar in Colchester
Stathis Giotis contributed to an article published in The Telegraph on 16th of April: How migraines, flu and heart attacks affect women and men differently
Our latest study, now out in @JMedVirol, delves into enzalutamide's potential as an antiviral against human coronaviruses, revealing insights into viral-Androgen Receptor signalling
Ogunjinmi OD, Abdullahi T, Somji R-A, Bevan CL, Barclay WS, Temperton N, Brooke GN, Giotis ES. The antiviral potential of the antiandrogen enzalutamide and the viral-androgen signalling interplay in seasonal coronaviruses. J Med Virol. 2024; 96:e29540. doi:10.1002/jmv.29540
Stathis Giotis has contributed to an article by Maeve Cullinan at the Telegraph about a fatal case of Alaskapox virus https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/elderly-man-becomes-first-recorded-death-from-alaskapox/
Stathis Giotis has been elected as Treasurer for Europe by the World Society of Virology
Our Lab Xmas outing rocked! Post-UCL virtual virology event hangout with
Nigel Temperton as guest star was a blast. Cheers to an awesome crew!
New preprint from our lab; Investigating enzalutamide, a prostate cancer treatment, as a potential antiviral against common cold coronaviruses, we provide further evidence of an interplay between viruses and androgen signaling https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.11.25.568685v1
A new collaborative study in which GiotisLab was part of was accepted at Frontiers in Public Health https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1283113/abstract
Our lab was awarded $1,000 New Lab Award by Bon Opus Bio https://www.bonopusbio.com/grant-program
Tukur Abdullahi won the 2nd prize for the best Graduate Forum presentation of the University of Essex 2023. Well done Tukur!!
Stathis Giotis presented the latest work of the lab on androgens and viral susceptibility at the meeting on Viral Pseudotypes at Nottingham.
Professor Nelson Fernandez presented the results of our joint PhD student Tukur Abdullahi at the Immunopharmacology Convention 2023 in Varadero, Cuba.
Stathis Giotis was invited to give a talk at the Biosciences Conference at the University of East London
Stathis Giotis presented our recent work on bat viruses at the WSV2023 in Riga, Latvia
A new preprint was released on biorxiv: Serological evidence of high pathogenicity virus infection in Eidolon helvum fruit bats in Nigeria https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.14.544916v1
Riaz Somji and Tukur Abdullahi presented their work on mTOR and host innate immune responses to seasonal coronaviruses at the Microbiology Society annual conference in Birmingham
Lab outing to the 3 wise monkeys in Colchester
A review paper was published in Viruses; Giotis, E.S.; Cil, E.; Brooke, G.N. Use of Antiandrogens as Therapeutic Agents in COVID-19 Patients. Viruses2022, 14, 2728. https://doi.org/10.3390/v14122728
Great meeting on pseudotyping by VPU at NIBSC
Stathis Giotis is accepted as a member of the UKRI/BBSRC panel of experts
A preprint review on anti androgens as COVID-19 was released in collaboration with Greg Brooke's group at Essex
Celebrating the retirement of Professor Mike Skinner at Imperial College. Happy retirement Mike!
Celebrating our last lab meeting for the Summer and the heatwave in Essex
Stathis Giotis contributed to an article by Helen Collis at politico.eu about monkeypox and vaccines
Riaz Somji and Tiffany Teoh joined our lab to do a PhD (3-years) and Masters by Dissertation (MSD; 1 year) respectively.
Ogunjinmi (Dami) Oluwadamilola and Stathis Giotis presented (poster and oral presentations) at the annual conference of the UK Microbiology Society, which was held in Belfast (4-7 April 2022).
Tukur Abdullahi from Nigeria is the newest member of our lab. His PhD will be focused on the comparative host innate responses to seasonal coronaviruses.
Our paper 'Naïve Human Macrophages Are Refractory to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Exhibit a Modest Inflammatory Response Early in Infection' is now published in Viruses
A new preprint was released on bioRxiv: Primary human macrophages exhibit a modest inflammatory response early in SARS-CoV-2 infection
Stathis Giotis, David Matthews and Jacqueline Smith are editors of the research topic 'Host innate immune responses to infections by avian- and bat-borne viruses volume II' in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
Stathis Giotis spoke on BBC London about the Omicron variant and the recently introduced measures to slow its spread in the UK
Stathis Giotis was interviewed by East Anglian daily times on COVID-19 and his opinion was hosted in the main article of 24.11.2021
Stathis Giotis was interviewed by the BBC Essex radio morning show about COVID-19 vaccines and the need to reintroduce some restriction measures in light of the rising cases of COVID-19

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